2nd IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - IEEE UKRCON 2019, Leópolis (Ucrania). 02-06 julio 2019
The process of manipulation of dimensional objects without optimization and with orientation of optimization gripping systems is investigated. The comparative analysis of energy efficiency of transportation of dimensional objects with orientation optimization gripping systems on the basis of vacuum, vortex and Bernoulli gripping devices is carried out. The efficiency of use of a method of optimization of orientation gripping systems on the basis of pneumatic gripping devices is proved.
Palabras clave: Bernoulli gripping device, vortex gripper, vacuum pad, object of manipulation, manipulator, orientation, industrial robot
Publicado en IEEE UKRCON 2019, pp: 527-532, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3883-1
Fecha de publicación: 2019-07-02.
R. Mykhailyshyn, V. Savkiv, F. Duchon, R. Trembach, I. Diahovchenko, Research of energy efficiency of manipulation of dimensional objects with the use of pneumatic gripping devices, 2nd IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - IEEE UKRCON 2019, Leópolis (Ucrania). 02-06 julio 2019. En: IEEE UKRCON 2019: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3883-1